
Chase williams blue ridge mountain emc
Chase williams blue ridge mountain emc

The Georgia Foundation for Agriculture (GFA) and Georgia EMC have given each county Farm Bureau in Georgia enough books for every public library in the county. The Georgia Foundation for Agriculture and Georgia Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) are jointly promoting agricultural literacy by donating copies of the children’s book “I Love Strawberries” to nearly 400 libraries in the Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS). Pictured: Dara Roberts, Tonya Hyatt, Kelly Cruse, Jeffery Butt, Dustin Brown, Carla Beavers, Brian Mashburn, Alex King, Randy Curtis, Patrick Potts, Derrick Lovingood, Dan Chastain, Steven Kirby, Bradley Nuckolls It’s a testament to their work ethic commitment to their fellow employees and service to the membership,” said General Manager Allan Glidewell.īRMEMC was officially founded in 1938 – 85 years ago – and now serves over 58,000 meters, maintains over 6,300 miles of power lines, and provides fiber-optics internet service to over 14,000 members.

chase williams blue ridge mountain emc

It’s astonishing to see their combined years of employment here at BRMEMC. “Celebrating work milestones is a great opportunity to say thank you for the hard work and dedication of these employees. 25 years: Dan Chastain, Adrian Hogsed, Kevin Hutson 20 years: Erik Brinke, Jeffery Butt, Mark Davidson 15 years: Isaac Cabe, Joe Colwell, Eric Hooper, Brett McCoy, Dara Roberts 10 years: Kelly Cruse, Tonya Hyatt, Derrick Lovingood, Bradley Nuckolls, Josh Payne, Patrick Potts 5 years: Carla Beavers, Dustin Brown, Alex King, Dylan Rogers Below is the list of employees celebrating a milestone work anniversary: Twenty-six employees received recognition for their years of employment and have a combined 460 years between them.

chase williams blue ridge mountain emc

Employees are recognized by the general manager in front of their co-workers and given a plaque to commemorate their work milestone. Each new calendar year, employees are recognized for reaching 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40+ years of full-time employment. On Thursday, April 13, Blue Ridge Mountain EMC celebrated work anniversaries for employees ranging from five to forty years of employment. Pictured from left to right: BRMEMC Energy Services Technician Craig Shook, TVA EnergyRight Energy Services Consultant Mike Clement, and BRMEMC Energy Services Technician Darrin Ingram Learn more about how Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation is using energy-saving programs to benefit its community at. TVA recognizes the Top Performers among the 153 local power companies it serves in coordination with the release of its annual Highlights Report each February. “The Top Performer award demonstrates our value in striving for a healthier and more sustainable community.” “We are proud to be recognized by TVA for our efforts to help our community use energy wisely and improve the lives of our members,” said BRMEMC General Manager Allan Glidewell. 🟢 Third Place in Home Energy Evaluations by conducting 134 Evaluations saving members 204,797 kWh of energy use.

chase williams blue ridge mountain emc

BRMEMC Earns Top Performer Award for TVA Energy-Savings Program(s) 🏆īRMEMC earned a Top Performer designation by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for achievements in the following TVA EnergyRight energy program categories:

Chase williams blue ridge mountain emc